Runningwind was a background guy so his death wouldn't be very dramatic. Then this book is more good than it is bad. I know this is dramatic for Fireheart but then it's solved right after his grieving. Then Cloudpaw starts eating twoleg food and is captured. He's affiliated with Tigerclaw and yet Tigerclaw barely does anything other than kill Runningwind. apparently he's a rouge and when you just realize it he dies! Kind of a waste of time seeing some random cat die. For example Whitetail is a pretty useless character. Well this book is pretty good it also has some problems that cause it not to be five stars. Now Fireheart is determent, depressed, and wanting revenge. While your reading Earlier Swiftpaw dies and you think "Oh that sucks." Bluestar's death is a pause where You find yourself shocked and easily found continuing the series. I didn't but if you did I don't blame you. Not to mention her death is dramatic and very unfortunate. The first and only Thunderclan leader eliminated completely for as far as I've read. That ended up killing everyone's favorite She-cat Bluestar. They want you to hate Tigerstar more than any other murdering cat and if you don't WHY? The whole dog idea though was brand new and was used in a new way. The reader was meant to want to shove the book up his and for me I thought to myself that's mission accomplished. Now he's in a separate clan as leader and has more power than all the cats in the whole forest. Then as a cat with no rules he killed some really cool warriors. Then it's revealed he just murdered his friends apprentice with DOGS! He has been a disturbance in the clan defiantly. This makes Sandstorm feel unwanted and the reader feels for Fireheart since personally he wanted to make Sandstorm happy.Makes you curious of why Tigerstar is so quiet. Then Snowkit dies and Brackenfur has to have Sandstorm's apprentice instead. It's pointless of how he left all the sudden just to come back, but People connected to him at a high point where you're happy to see him. Then Graystripe's return is a mix of good and bad. First Cinderpelt's message about a pack being repeated with a damaged cat is suspenseful. However this book got above average for a good reason. I loved this book and highly recommend it to any other reader to begin warriors. Not only does it correctly give you time to recover but also it adds suspense because this is a stronger enemy. Then an enormous shock of how the leader kills Tigerstar. Then When they do show up it's very intense for the reader to know that they're a group of kittypets. When I looked at the beggining character list I saw Bloodclan and I think, WHAT IS THAT!!! The idea is supposed to encourage the reader to go on because they have no appearance until the last few chapters. Also you get to know other important characters later like Bluestar's kits and you may have seen them already but the idea of there plan is to get you close to Stonefur so you grieve for his death or some sort of sadness sign. Now in the future books there actually are Bramblepaw chapters but you easily understand his mother died, his father is evil and his sister left the clan. Not only do you attach unlike past killed characters for example Spottedleaf but you also get his point of view.

In the book you also have been given a fair amount of time to connect to Bramblepaw. Not the best time to create a brand new prophecy but it lives up to it's point and they do fight. Now there's the prophecy of how Loin and Tiger will fight.

It was nice to see how a leader receives nine lives. However I have to say this was an awesome book.